The Bombay High Court Wednesday asked the magistrate probing allegations made by Kalina resident Tulsidas Nair, of torture in police custody and usurping of property at former Mumbai Congress chief Kripashankar Singh’s instance, to submit a report to the High Court by January 21.
On October 25 last year, a division bench of justices V M Kanade and P D Kode had ordered a magisterial inquiry into Nair’s allegations. The judges had also asked the State Human Rights Commission to take cognisance of the case.
Nair in his petition alleged “gross violation of human rights” as officers of the Vakola police station tied him and poured alcohol down his throat.
He claims that this was done at the instance of Kripashankar Singh, as he had succeeded in the City Civil Court to obtain an order to evict Singh and his accomplices for three shops and three flats.
Nair also alleges that Singh had usurped his properties in Kalina, Vakola and Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). He has moved court seeking protection from Singh’s “hitmen.”
Nair is the president of the Rahul Gandhi National Brigade Wing and claims that false criminal cases have been filed against him at the instance of Singh on account of political rivalry and jealousy.
The court had taken serious cognisance of the petition, and said if they were to find anything amiss, it would “not be tolerated” and the police officers could lose their jobs.
In a separate case in February last year, the High Court had directed the registration of an FIR against Singh under sections of disproportionate assets and criminal misconduct under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The court had observed that Singh had a “rags to riches” story and that he had acquired more than a dozen immovable parties after 2004. Singh had resigned from his post in the Congress following the order.
Nair’s petition has now been kept for hearing on January 24.
Express news service : Thu Jan 10 2013, 00:52 hrs
On October 25 last year, a division bench of justices V M Kanade and P D Kode had ordered a magisterial inquiry into Nair’s allegations. The judges had also asked the State Human Rights Commission to take cognisance of the case.
Nair in his petition alleged “gross violation of human rights” as officers of the Vakola police station tied him and poured alcohol down his throat.
He claims that this was done at the instance of Kripashankar Singh, as he had succeeded in the City Civil Court to obtain an order to evict Singh and his accomplices for three shops and three flats.
Nair also alleges that Singh had usurped his properties in Kalina, Vakola and Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). He has moved court seeking protection from Singh’s “hitmen.”
Nair is the president of the Rahul Gandhi National Brigade Wing and claims that false criminal cases have been filed against him at the instance of Singh on account of political rivalry and jealousy.
The court had taken serious cognisance of the petition, and said if they were to find anything amiss, it would “not be tolerated” and the police officers could lose their jobs.
In a separate case in February last year, the High Court had directed the registration of an FIR against Singh under sections of disproportionate assets and criminal misconduct under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The court had observed that Singh had a “rags to riches” story and that he had acquired more than a dozen immovable parties after 2004. Singh had resigned from his post in the Congress following the order.
Nair’s petition has now been kept for hearing on January 24.
Express news service : Thu Jan 10 2013, 00:52 hrs
How easy it is for any local to nail ex home minister so easily in Maharashtra.I believe it is possible in India considering that it is a mob politics to appease the majority.Democracy based on majority to govern are nation is not working at all so do we need other way such as proportionate represent ion community wise so the weakest link should be heard in this rouge state !!