1. The Black Paper
illustrates what a genuine White Paper on Irrigation should have ideally been
like. The White Paper of the Irrigation Department is a farcical ‘Status Paper’
made to cover up the gross illegalities committed. In fact it is a joke that
the White Paper is being prepared by the WRD itself! Hence, AAP has brought out
the true picture through a Black Paper.
2. It illustrates that
figures relating to area brought under irrigation, as claimed in the White
Paper, are misleading. We have learned that the WRD’s White Paper states that
the land under irrigation has increased by 12.47 lakh hectares since 2001, that
is 6 to 9%. Assuming these figures are
correct we have to understand that any increase mentioned is a result of
irrigation due to wells, bore wells, drip irrigation, lift irrigation and not
just due to dams and canals for which the WRD has made huge expenditure. We
have also heard that the White Paper claims that the land under irrigation area
has increased from 17.8% since 2001 to 28% but this is misleading as it pertain
to the increase in the percentage of gross irrigated area to the gross cropped
It has been prepared after analyzing data from sources and
the findings show that the WRD’s tall claims about the area brought under
irrigation are contradictory. As per WRD’s own data during 08-09 to 09-10, irrigation
potential increased by only 0.148 Mha (Million Hectares) i.e. by a mere 3% year
on year and irrigation on canals has actually decreased by 0.169 Mha. The
ultimate irrigation potential stated by NABARD is 8.4 Mha while the CWC has
stated it as 8.952 Mha, nowhere close to WRD claim of 12.6 Mha. DES data states that Irrigation Potential created by completed projects
was a mere 2.95 Mha as agasint the WRD claim of 4.486 Mha.
4. The Black Paper
shows how Maharashtra, despite having the
highest number of large dams has lesser increase in irrigated area vis-à-vis
other States in the Country. As per CWC the Net Irrigated Area has actually
decreased between the years 2000 and 2008!
Net Irrigated Area in Thousand Hectares
Madhya Pradesh
Increase (%)
There is no other State in India or even Country in the world
which has such shameful achievements
5. The Black Paper
proves how the cost per hectare for bringing land under irrigation in Maharashtra is the highest in the Country and probably in
the World. The gross irrigated area has increased by a
mere 8.9 % in spite of an annual expenditure of Rs. 7,000 crores amounting to a
staggering Rs. 70,000 crores. That means Rs. 21.67 lacs per hectare which is in
gross violation as the limit mandated by the Central Water
Commission of Rs. 1.5 lakh to Rs. 2.5 lakh per hectare.
6. The Black Paper
exposes the modus operandi of the Irrigation Scam and the
politician-bureaucrat-contractor nexus.
7. The Black Paper
also exposes that the main reason of such dismal performance of the WRD is
largely due to the illegal diversion of water from Irrigation Projects for
non-irrigation purposes. Water reserved for non-irrigation use (i.e. domestic
and industrial) should be within the 15% to 25% spectrum but this ratio is
cruelly reversed. At least 398.87 million cubic metres of water per year was
diverted from irrigation to thermal power plants in Vidarbha between 2003 and
2011. This water could irrigate approximately 79,774 hectares of farmland. Coal-based
thermal power is an extremely water-intensive way to generate energy.
8. The Black Paper
exposes the Laws, Acts, G.R.s and guidelines that have been violated by the WRD
in almost all irrigation projects.
· Violations of
various Acts of the State and Central Govt.
· Violations of the
Hon’ble Governor’s Directives’
· Violations of
Govt.’s norms
· Violations of IDC’s
· Violations of CVC
· By-passing the
· Creating Regional
· Creating financial
burden on the State
· Partisanship to
select contractors
· Cartelization of
bidders in tenders
· Increasing the
scope of work after tendering
· Allotting
dis-proportionately large number of projects to a few select contractors
9. This Back Paper
therefore demands the following actions from the Govt. of Maharashtra:
Immediate resignation of Sunil Tatkare, Minister WRD;
Set up an SIT probe to investigate into the Irrigation Scam;
Halt all dam projects in the State where there are
violations and where Rehabilitation and Resettlement of PAPs has not been
Initiate disciplinary & punitive action against the
Ministers and Officers of the WRD found guilty and implicated by the SIT probe
and recover the funds siphoned off by them;
Black-list the contractors found guilty and implicated by
the SIT probe and recover the funds siphoned off by them;
Initiate disciplinary & punitive action against the
contractors found guilty and implicated by the SIT probe.
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